I’ve been writing since I was in the second grade of elementary school. I remember that my mom would ask me to write how my day went on a small journal. I’d sign it and gave to my mom so she could read it.
Back when I was in high school, I had a blog. It was more like an online diary. I’d tell my readers how my life was. However, since university I kinda forgot about it.
It was just last year, I had a great opportunity to work in a travel startup as their sales and marketing assistant. One of the job descriptions was making articles for their website and partnerships. It reminds me again how I used to love writing so much. Writing articles and exploring new stuff on blog is what I’ve been missing in my life.
Mid last year, my best friend and I had this brilliant idea to collaborate and created our own blog. Neither of us regularly blog or work as a professional writters. We simply just like to complain. We thought that why not turning our complain to a more (hopefully) useful and lesson learned for many people out there?
In just few clicks and calls, Hello Millennials was born.
It’s my form of therapy
Going through the cliché, quarter life crisis, I’m lost. Friends are a great place to lean on but writing is another way to go.
I write online and offline. If it’s something not too personal, I’d post it in my blog, like a review of how my life was in 2017. I also keep some very personal writing, where I write the name, place, exact details of a story.
For the last two years I’ve been trying to regularly write down some highlights of my day, month or year. Allowing me to reflect back to what’s been happening in the past time.
I can see my own growth through my writing, understanding my life better and being more grateful for what I’ve had in the past.
Through every journal I wrote, I see how every event gives a significant impact to my future holds. I found that life has a beautiful meaning that I missed sometimes.
It helps me to organize my thought
Being an overthinker and perfectionist person is a nightmare. I have this non-stop thought in my head asking me ‘What if this happens’ or ‘That’s not enough, I should do more’. Especially when I’m overwhelmed or lost in my own thought, I’ll start talking non-sense.
Writing helps me reanalyzing and making sense of things. It helps me to organize and make my ideas into order, allowing me to think both positive and negative impacts without being too much.
Another great thing about making article/ journal is I can rearrange it; not like an actual talking where we can’t undo things that we’ve spoken. I feel like my story can be way better and clearer through writing.
To remember better
Writing is also as simple as taking notes on your physical notes (which I prefer more) or device. Pouring your ideas, to-do-list, and whatever comes into your mind helps a lot with our productivity. Trust me.
Our brains is meant for processing not storing. There was one book that mentioned that we forgot around 80% information in less than 24 hours!
So, keep writing, peeps!